What is the SCRIP & Gift Card Program?
SCRIP stands for “Substitute Cash Redeem in Person” and is just an old fashioned word for gift cards! Electronically or in the church office, when you purchase one of 600+ retailers' gift cards, CTUMC receives a cash rebate for missions and ministries! Click on the catalog above for more info, or click the links below to search for retailers.
How does the SCRIP & Gift Card Program work?
Retailers, restaurants, and other vendors sell gift cards to Concord Trinity at a discount. When you purchase them at regular price, the difference benefits the programs of Concord Trinity including discipleship, missions, worship, kids & youth, and so much more!
How often can I purchase Gift Cards?
That’s really up to you! We have families with standing monthly orders for their favorite grocery, restaurants, and department stores. Others buy occasionally, purchase different types of gift cards each month, or pick up cards as needed on Sunday mornings in the parlor, as we keep commonly purchased cards on hand. You can also register online and have e-cards sent directly to you!
Where can I see a list of vendors?
There are more than 700 vendors to choose from. Visit our vendor website www.shopwithscrip.com to see the current listing of available vendors and bonus rebates being offered. If you would like to know what is currently in our inventory, check in on a Sunday morning. We keep cards for places like Walmart, Lowes, Schnucks, Starbucks, and Bread Co. in stock from week to week.
How quickly will I receive my gift cards?
How’s right now? Once you’re set up “PrestoPay”, the automatic payment method through our vendor, Shop with Scrip, you can purchase an electronic gift card on your smart phone while standing in the checkout line. You can also get physical gift cards to keep on hand or give as gifts; if we already have it in stock, you can pick them up in the parlor on Sunday mornings. If we don’t have the card in our inventory, we can order it for you. Cards ordered on Sunday are usually available the following week.
I want in! How do I get started?
Our SCRIP and gift card team will get you all set up and ready to shop. Please fill out this quick form below and someone will get back to you ASAP about completing the process.