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Mission + Service + Justice

Here at Concord Trinity, we're deeply devoted to transforming the world to reflect the love and dignity that every part of creation deserves. 

In an effort to do that adequately and efficiently, we've developed a two-pronged structure to support our Mission + Service + Justice Ministry.

Our Community Service Team focuses on direct, aid-based ministry by partnering with local organizations to address immediate, material needs in our local community.

Our Social Justice Team provides education and advocacy opportunities relating to specific issues of systemic injustice and seeks to affect change at foundational levels.

Community Service and Social Justice are two sides of the same coin; one cannot be adequately carried out without the other. In a way, they act as guardrails for each other and continually shape and mold one another.

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Like all of our ministries at Concord Trinity, these two teams are open to anyone and everyone who might be interested. If you'd like to get involved, click on the underlined team names above to go directly to their ministry pages, or contact our Ministerial Director of Discipleship and Mission, J.T. Young, here

Concord Trinity United Methodist Church

5275 S. Lindbergh Blvd. - Saint Louis, MO 63126

(314) 842-2060 

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Join us for worship on Sundays

at 9am and 10:30am

Tel. (314) 842-2060

5275 S. Lindbergh Blvd

Saint Louis, MO 63126

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