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Bible Study with BobExplore and discuss the Bible with guidance from a retired United Methodist pastor, Bob Carpenter.
Book Discussion GroupsWe offer a Senior Adult Fellowship Book Club, a Men’s Book Club, and a Mature Singles Book Club.
Mature Singles and Doubles MinistryThis is a group of mature, single persons (or couples!) who are seeking fellowship in a Christian environment. Group meetings are held once a month on the 4th Tuesday, offering a potluck dinner along with a short program. Other activities are held at various times throughout the month and may include attending the theater, going out to eat, or taking a walk through the Botanical Gardens. Some activities include an invitation to all church members and will be advertised as such. All activities are designed to reach out to and include single persons in the life of the church and celebrate single persons as a part of God’s family.
Men’s Bible StudyExplore the Gospels using an Immersion study series on Thursday mornings from 7:30-8:30 a.m.
Scrapbooking Group“Cutting Edge” meets the second and fourth Saturdays from 10:00 a.m.-Noon. This is a time of prayer and scrapbooking fun.
Senior Adult FellowshipMission Statement: “The Older Adult Ministry provides a network of resources for spiritual, service, and social opportunities for mature adults of CTUMC.” The “Lunch Bunch” group meets the first Wednesday of the month and is ongoing and 1-2-3 Walking group meets in the gym on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Service projects are ongoing as opportunities arise. Many events are sponsored throughout the year which welcome church-wide participation. A bulletin board across from the church office provides information and sign-up opportunities.
Sisters Bible StudySisters Bible Studies offers 6-8 week studies from resources that help women grow closer to Christ and to each other as Sisters in Christ. All women are invited to attend one of our study groups. Our groups meet on Mondays from 10:00-11:15 a.m. or Thursdays from 9:30-10:45 a.m. For more information, call Kay Walt at 314-849-4397 or Linda Stewart at 314-849-2919.
United Methodist MenThe United Methodist Men is a fellowship group that seeks to know God and Jesus Christ, to grow spiritually, and to seek His will. On the third Saturday of most months at 8:00 a.m., the United Methodist Men meet for a light breakfast followed by prayer and fellowship. They sponsor the Annual Sweetheart Banquet in February, a Men’s Overnight Retreat with a Golf Tournament in the spring, Sunday morning Pancake Breakfasts in spring and fall, and a Toy Breakfast in December. They perform church related service projects, projects outside the church, conduct fundraisers, make contributions to local area missions, and purchase major items for our church. All men are invited to participate.
United Methodist WomenThe United Methodist Women is a community of women offering programs promoting spiritual, educational, and personal enrichment. We have several special event gatherings and we have two Circles (small groups who meet monthly to share devotions, programs, fellowship and work on mission projects). We have daytime and evening circles, and all women are invited to be a part of these small group fellowships. Our activities include catered banquets, an Easter project, a garage sale, and a silent auction and luncheon; all of which help support global, district and local missions. Newcomers are always welcome at these times of “fun and fellowship with a purpose.”
Young Adult GroupThis group is open to people from 20-40. We have spring and fall studies, we eat out together every 2nd Sunday after church, and we have social events. Please join us for fellowship, discipleship, and fun-ship, all for the younger crowd at church! Follow us on Facebook at CTUMC, Young Adults.
Finance Team - A Sub-Committee of The Governance BoardThis team compiles an annual budget for review and adoption by the Governance Board. The team is responsible, in conjunction with the Stewardship Team, for implementing plans to raise sufficient income to meet the adopted budget. Finally, they administer the funds received as directed by the Governance Board.
Church Leadership Council (CLC)This team is the administrative body of the church. Their purpose is to promote long range vision and to ensure the health of the physical building, church business, spiritual growth and staffing. The CLC is divided into sub-committees.
Living Memorials TeamThe Living Memorials Team appropriates funds coming into the church as memorials. When a member or persons with a connection to CTUMC pass away, memorials are made to this designated fund. A team of people then choose projects or items needed throughout the church to use the funds in memory of those individuals. People can also donate funds in honor of someone. Examples of items using Living Memorial funds are benches, TVs for the sanctuary, furniture, etc.
Ministry Leaders CouncilThe Ministry Council is made up of ministry team leaders who focus on leadership development, church visioning, ministry planning, and ministry logistics required for accomplishing our mission as a vital, growing church. Council meetings are open to anyone who would like to attend.
Nominations TeamFormerly known as Lay Leadership, this team strives to enable all members, both new and old, to employ their talents for God’s service.
Staff/Parish Relations Team - A Sub-Committee of The Governance BoardThe Staff Parish Team cooperates with the District Superintendent and the Bishop in securing clergy leadership. In addition, they consult with the pastoral staff regarding the presentation of an effective ministry. Annually, the team is responsible for pastoral evaluations which are the basis for compensation recommendations to the Finance Team and Ministry Council. A charge or church conference is required for final approval. They review current and future requirements for non-clergy staff positions and report them to the Governance Board for approval. Staff Parish assists other teams in recruitment, selection, timely evaluations, and compensation adjustments for these non-clergy positions.
Trustees - A Sub-Committee of The Governance BoardThe Board of Trustees are vested with the power and authority to deal with the purchase, sale, mortgage, encumbrance, construction, repairing, remodeling, and maintenance of all property of the church. The Trustees also handle the acceptance or rejection of any and all conveyances, grants, gifts, donations, legacies, bequests or devises, absolute or in trust, for the use and benefit of the church. The Trustees are amenable to the Governance Board.
Children's DiscipleshipThe Children’s Education Ministry is dedicated to providing the highest quality programming for children in our congregation and community, allowing children to discover what it means to claim the Christian faith for their own. Programs are designed to be inviting, exciting, challenging and creative as they promote faith development and fellowship. This committee strives to maintain a balance of opportunities for children to have learning time with their peers while encouraging their integration with the wider church congregation.
Christian Application of Technology Task ForceThe CAT task force enhances the ministry of Concord Trinity incorporating the latest technology in worship services, education, training, and administrative tasks.
Congregational Care MinistryWhether the need is for Sunday morning hospitality, a hospital or nursing home-homebound visit, running errands, giving rides, or prayer; this specialized, trained team is ready to share their ministry with you.
DiscipleshipThe Discipleship Team has a passion for offering exceptional faith and spiritual development opportunities for adults. Understanding that we continue to grow in our relationship to God throughout life, adult education offerings are designed to creatively engage adults of all ages in transformable study and stimulating discussion groups. Watch your bulletin and newsletter for information about new small groups that are continuously forming.
Hospital Ministry-Care TeamWith pastoral guidance, this group of dedicated people provide visits and support to our hospitalized members.
HospitalityHospitality’s mission is to extend and encourage members and guests to feel right at home while sharing a cup of coffee and pastries in Fellowship Hall. All teams of Concord Trinity help host on Sunday morning with the guidance of a hospitality member if needed. Social time is available from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. every Sunday.
Nursing Home/Homebound Visiting TeamThis team of caring members delivers a warm smile to our homebound and nursing home members. They have been trained to assist in the giving of the sacrament of Holy Communion and will respond to emergency visits.
Outreach TeamThe Outreach team reaches out into the community to invite people to become a part of the Body of Christ and this congregation. With the help of member involvement, they incorporate new ideas to reach out into the community. (Matthew 28:19-20) “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Throughout the year, this group hosts several Get Acquainted outreaches for guests and non-members of Concord Trinity to come and find out more about the church, its pastors, members, programs and mission work.
Prayer ChainIn the event of an urgent prayer need, several dedicated members serve on the Prayer Chain Team to pray for the needs of our congregation and community.
Prayer Covenant NetworkThis unique team has opportunities for you to submit your prayer request on Sunday mornings that will be distributed to a group of individuals via e-mail who will pray over them during the week.
Stewardship TeamAll creation is the Lord’s, and we are responsible for the ways we use and abuse it. Water, air, soil, minerals, energy resources, plants, animal life, and space are to be valued and conserved because they are God’s creation and not solely because they are useful to human beings. God has granted us stewardship of creation. We should meet these stewardship duties through acts of loving care and respect. Financial resources available to us are also the Lord’s, and we are also responsible for the ways we utilize those blessings. Outwardly focusing our resources, instead of hoarding, allows us to care for and respect God’s peoples and creation. It is the responsibility of the church and its members to place a high priority on our economic, political, social, and technological lifestyles. Doing so will support an ecologically, economically equitable and sustainable world, leading to a higher quality of life for all of God’s creation.
Worship TeamThe Worship Team coordinates all functions of the Sunday services: the music, flowers, acolytes, communion elements, and ushers. The mission of this committee is to work with the pastors to create an atmosphere of reverence and spirituality in our service through the music, flowers, liturgy and scriptures that will prepare the hearts and minds of those in attendance for the message and individual communion with God.
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